Shadow Boxes

I've been working on layered paper-craft versions of some of my prints, and have a few shadow boxes in the works - more to come soon!

Some wooden buttons I had printed with various animal designs - I'm hoping to make more in the coming few months!

Long time no update! I've been trying to work out how to draw this little guy (a thylacine) on and off for a while now, so these are just a few posing sketches trying to get the right balance between biped/quadruped, and doggie/marsupial-looking. No idea what plans I've got for the character, but I'd like to animate him at some point and see how he moves!

VanCAF 2016

Thank you to everyone who came out to VanCAF over the weekend, my table-buddies and I had an amazing time! So many lovely visitors, and so many talented exhibitors, it was a great weekend.

Two Worlds

Dogs are said to be particularly sensitive to otherworldly things, and at one time the belief was held by some Native Americans that dogs with two different eye colours could see into two worlds, both earth and the afterlife.



A little-known species of folkloric dragon from the Alpine regions of Europe, the Tatzelwurm was often reported to have the body of a serpent and the torso, claws and head of a feline. I remember seeing an illustration of one in the Reader's Digest 'Unexplained' book when I was about 8, and always thought they were kinda cool, so this is my own take on a few worldwide varieties (including the 'domestic tabby wurm', the laziest of all).

Based on European folklore, the Rye Wolf embodied the spirit of the harvest.

Battle Corgis

One side of my family has a lot of Welsh heritage, and I've always been interested in Welsh history, language and culture. One of my favourite little tidbits of folklore is the Welsh explanation for how corgis got their unique markings - it was said that they were ridden by the fey folk, hence their 'saddle-shaped' patterns. So, naturally, gotta draw some Celtic corgi battle steeds!